The 3 Week Diet

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Trick and tips to get your kid to drink more water

Water is essential for the health of the child. It moisturizes , helps regulate body temperature and helps prevent constipation and urinary tracts infections - all without adding calories or sugar in the diet. But what if your child does not like water? See how other parents have their children to drink.
When I think my child is thirsty , I handed him a bottle of water. She often said that she did not feel thirsty , but I asked her to drink five ships . Half the time , it ends up drinking a lot more than that. Once she starts , she realizes she is thirsty after all.
I always leave with a cup of water where my child can reach it , then when she no longer thirsty, she sees the cup and drinks. If he is thirsty , she has no choice but to drink water .
My child likes to drink ice water with a straw. I think he likes the feeling of cold in the mouth and the sound of ice clinking in the glass.
My child does not want to drink water for the longest time. We bought this bright fruit flavor water to it and mixed with 3/4 water and weaned her on plain water. Now she loves it!
Our city water has a bad taste , so I mix a smaller amount of juice with water for my daughter and it is none the wiser . It gives a hint of flavor, but it is still 90 percent water !
You can also try to put a little wedge of lemon or squeeze some fresh orange in it .
Use a special cup
When my daughter was almost 2 , she fell in love with princesses . We have found BPA -free plastic cups brilliant and told her she can not use them for drinking "Water Princess ", which is only filtered water when we say . "Do you want the water princess ?" She always said yes so she could use the glasses. She is now 3 and it still works !
Ask them to choose their own special cup to put in also , it may have to use special straw. More owners are in the process, the better. I saw that I drink more water , my four years too !
My 4 -year-old drinks , water bottle in casual blue water clear. They are sold with impressions kid - friendly fun animals, aliens , etc. , and even has a sippy nipples . At home, I encourage you to drink a certain level on the glass ladybug .
Give them their independence
My 20 -month -old loves to drink water from a water bottle as a big girl. We buy him bottles of water 10 grams with the head sports bill so she can drink it on its own .
We bought a water dispenser and put it on the bottom shelf of the fridge . When I showed it to my 4 -year-old , you would have thought I had delivered the king of the world . You can get water now , whenever he wants without asking . And he shows everyone who comes into our home, where he can get his drink - by himself !
To limit the options
Start early, and do not put a lot of possibilities in your home. We have water , milk, and one kind of juice ( diluted 1/3 juice, 2/3 water) in our house at the same time .
We alternate, milk , water, juice and all day . ( We dilute the juice 50/ 50 with water. ) Children are not allowed to receive the next drink up his cup is empty. Sometimes they do it in a game that may end his water fast .
I will make my son drink a glass of water before you get a different drink. Not a glass, only 4 to 6 grams. It has some control then. He feels like he is in charge , because it decides when to drink, and we do not have fights.
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