The 3 Week Diet

Do you think that these are the best solutions ?

Simple advice to change diet

Several doctors and pseudo- scientific attempt to lather in the media claiming that " all plans " are bad for health. This is absurd , and I 've written several times worse than I think this sterile and negative ( but apparently useful for those who like to be on TV ) .
 Obviously there are diets that are healthy and others are not . If your diet is unhealthy, it is advisable to that you pass to a healthy diet .

For example, what you can do to reduce your intake of sugar and flour ( beans, peas, pasta, grains, including whole grains ) will be good for your health.
All you can eat for less than roasted or burnt food (especially BBQ ) will have great effects for your health.

A Diet Plan To Lose Weight

Anything you can do to drink more pure water and less sugary drinks , flavored or alcoholic , will be good for your health.
I will not explain again why today . These are issues that I have dealt with , and which I return regularly in Nature Health Innovation . I will come back in my next letter .
But what I will do today is share with you a simple tip to help you to change your diet ... and keep you there .
This is indeed the eternal question : how to achieve follow the diet is known to be obvious ? How not to "crack" ? How to avoid the phenomenon of yo- yo?
To my knowledge, no system vendor does not provide a credible answer to that question . However, if you do not answer , the rest has no interest .
I 'll give you my thing . I do not guarantee that it will work for everyone . But this stuff worked for me , and from what I've seen , he worked for the people around me who one day decided to change the diet , and were held there .
How I changed my diet overnight
Here's what happened to me. I am now past the gluten-free diet , that is to say, in practice no wheat, no food containing wheat (bread, pasta , biscuits, meat or fish sticks ) and without most cereals .
Since forever , I was a regular consumer of bread, pastries, cakes, cookies, pasta and cereals of all kinds.
I particularly liked the good slices of bread " Kayser ", a bakery chain , originally from Paris , which make a delicious bread. His bread is firm and elastic , the crust is crispy and has an irresistible taste grilled . Very cool , with a good layer of butter and currant jam , I knew nothing better.
I also had a passion for freshly baked croissants . I loved traveling to Italy for delicious pizza and pasta al dente " has vogonle " (shells ), " was the arrabiata " ( tomato, garlic and pepper) , lasagna , etc. .
But at the same time I noticed that my digestion was difficult. I always had , after having feasted , a painful sensation in the intestines.
I first tried to persuade me that it was dairy that caused me problems. It seemed easier to remove than to permanently deprive me of all the delicious foods containing wheat gluten and therefore !
Seeing quitting milk made ​​no difference , I tried several times to stop the wheat but I never wanted more than two or three days , not enough anyway to observe a difference.
This status is extended until the age of ... 37.
However, gradually , and without my noticing , my lectures on medicine and health made ​​me accumulate knowledge increasingly approndies the disastrous health effects in the long term , to ignore his digestive problems. I realized that my problems were accompanied by the intestinal malabsorption of nutrients, and that I would necessarily develop deficiencies, disease factors .
I realized that having constantly inflamed intestines was a major cause of autoimmune disease .
I understood that intestinal flora shoddy compromise the entire immune system , and that I would gradually become vulnerable to infectious diseases.
I learned that imposing the digestive system a food that does not support ultimately makes the lining of the bowel porous , that large food proteins pass sooner or later in my blood, causing allergies , arthritis , and other problems health .
For years , the mere theoretical consciousness , " bookish " these problems were not enough to motivate me to really give up wheat.
And then one day , without me unexpectedly , I read yet another book on the effects of wheat and gluten ... and everything is unlocked .
This book does not contain any critical information that I do not yet known . It was a simple popular book , as I had read dozens before . But it was playing more that abruptly gave me no more envy, but the absolute need to finally put into practice the recommendations that I had read so far and I was convinced ' with my head, " but not " with my gut ."
Suddenly, all the ideas I was treated me have crystallized in me to go on the emotional level . This bread , the pizza, the pasta, the pastries, which made me feel so far, suddenly provoked me a feeling of disgust. I realized they were potentially a real poison for me, and I finally started to see them as such .
So I had no effort to make me stop eating . It became obvious!
After a week I noticed that my bowel problems had actually disappeared.
That made me happy, of course, but it did not change the background not much to my motivation to eat products made ​​from wheat more . In fact, I got to the point where I was so convinced that modern wheat was toxic , the sight of a white baguette bread was so associated in my mind with all my deleterious effects on cells of the food , I did not want to eat anyway.
And here we come to an essential key to the problem of regimes: the drama, so prevalent , a person who manages to reach his goal weight , but then abandons her diet and began to grow even more than before !
This becomes understandable when you think about it : in fact, the self- satisfaction of having lost weight is not sufficient to motivate the person to continue to be deprived of food she loves .
It is absolutely essential, but which is nevertheless never explained . It is not clear that health is one that can motivate us in the long run to keep us in our good resolutions. We need these resolutions as such we seem desirable .
In my case, my digestive problems were not my motivation to quit gluten. This is the gluten as such that I had begun to hate !
Similarly, for a long time , when I walked into a supermarket, I was drooling seeing the colorful packaging of chips, snacks, ice cream , candy bars , dishes , pastries, and I rarely resisted buying .
For years , I studied their effects on the body , but it does not convince me to stop eating it , even though I had a bad conscience in doing so. Then one day , by dint of thinking about sugars, bad fats , additives they contain, not to mention the conditions of production in factories, these products began to disgust me deeply. And it is only then that I stopped to eat , this time without effort , I think , definitely.
At that point , when I see a person eat, even if it looks to feast , I pity !
This is the day when you get to this stage you actually give up junk food. This is not saying , " Hm ... I really want to eat this March , but I will not do it because I need to lose weight ." Quite frankly , the temptation to sacrifice the long -term ( weight loss ) in favor of short-term ( the pleasure of eating a Mars) is too strong for you hope you will keep forever.
Must be imbued with a new idea for years to be able to change its behavior
We saw more than one surgery for lung cancer continue to smoke despite the certainty promote recurrence.
Is that knowing " theory " that " smoking kills " , as we read on cigarette packets , not enough to make you give up the pleasure and the tobacco habit . People who stop smoking for good will usually do that from the moment they feel a sense of fear at the sight of a cigarette, forcing them to flee. For example, after seeing a close relative died of cancer in agony .
This phenomenon is explained by what I call the "healthy resistance to change ." It is a reflex that all individuals , regardless of the new ideas that cross their mind, all tend to return, sooner or later , their habits.
When you are faced with a new idea, a new opportunity in your life, regardless of the enthusiasm that you have at the time, this enthusiasm will be weaker the next day, the next day weaker , and will most likely end up disappearing after a few days , weeks or months , until you return to your previous psychological state.
It may seem sad, or even hopeless , but this psychological mechanism is generally very positive and useful to society. For if each of us were constantly changing behavior completely and permanently , every book, meeting , speech or compelling issue we hear, our lives would have no stability , no more of our behavior is not predictable our surroundings, no institution would be more stable.
The company is in a state of permanent revolution where everyone is at all times capable of anything, and no long-term plan would be possible for anyone.
Except , the only changes that may be required and last in our lives are the result , not an idea that is presented to us once , but we are faced again and again and again and again ...
Thus , the only people I know who change their lives , and then stick to their New Year's resolutions are those that are treated like me intensely and durably facts showing the need for change.
This involves looking at programs and documentaries on the subject, to attend conferences, talk around, buying books and reading. We often feel that it is useless , it does not quite all these tips into practice. But the work is done in your subconscious. One day, and no one knows when you will feel that it is time to change, and you change .
Your personal case
If you read my letter for a long time without having changed anything in your lifestyle , trust .
I can not tell you exactly what I said when you go home at the emotion, to the point that you can not prevent you from eating and healthy living.
But enjoy the frequency with which I write. If Health Innovation Nature begins to really be part of your everyday life, I can promise you that one day, suddenly , you like me say , " Damn it, but of course! ". You open your kitchen cupboards , you'll take all the flour , chips, pasta, sugar and you will not want as a healthy food, fruit and vegetables , good fish, organic eggs and good meat .
For some, this will happen in the coming weeks . For others, it will take hundreds of stories , anecdotes , scientific studies , that what I say finally happening in the guts and you feel the "need " rather than a simple desire , put my advice into practice .
For others , it will be necessary to stop reading Nature Health Innovation for a while. Move on . Explore other health information letters. Return to conventional medicine. Make your route . When the time income , you 'll really like new , start reading . You will find in the meantime you have changed.
And it is perhaps after several return such that the change will be binding on you . Without effort or sacrifice.
Thus you can find , finally, optimal health for a long time .
Trust and above all, to your health!

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