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Guide To Probiotics For IBS

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By Patty Goff

Some studies have also demonstrated that probiotics may decrease the incidence of respiratory infections and tooth decay in children, as well as the severity and duration of traveler's diarrhea in adults. A 2007 study conducted by University College Cork in Ireland has shown that the consumption of fermented milk with Lactobacillus was able to prevent Salmonella infections in pigs (probiotics for IBS).

Containing these microorganisms and therefore fresh pro-biotics are yogurt, other fermented milk products, buttermilk and other. One of the benefits of probiotic foods is improving balance. They help to improve symptoms and problems such as fatigue, trouble defenses, breast feeding and strengthening the immune system.

Probiotic bacteria survive passage through the gastrointestinal tract and are implanted in colon or small intestine and help to improve the health of dairy products. Pro-biotics affect less people with impaired lactose. Repeated consumption probiotic yogurt in relatively large amounts has a therapeutic effect against Helicobacteria.

A probiotic contain viable micro-organisms. It is a functional food product. In sufficient quantities ingested, biotics can have a healthy effect on the host organism. The extent of this effect is possible but controversial in many cases. In comparison to "conventional" food, an increased effect of probiotic food products, not shown. The longest applied as pro-biotics organisms are lactic acid bacteria, but also yeast and other species in use.

Probacterias can be used as addition in food (this also includes food, food supplements or dietary foods) or be administered in form of drugs. They are accrued by the prebiotics that have a positive effect (growth stimulation) on already in intestines are in dividend microorganisms and synbiotics, a combination of both. The first observations on the positive effects of probiotics on human health date back to the early twentieth century.

Nobel laureate Eli Metchnikoff, who worked at the Pasteur Institute in the early years of the twentieth century, hypothesized that these effects arising from an improvement in intestinal microbial balance through inhibition of pathogenic bacteria. Since then, knowledge about biotics have been enriched by scientific and clinical studies in large numbers and with great frequency.

These results can be considered valid also for all those who have similar symptoms but do not have a diagnosis of IBS. Some strains gave positive results for this type of activity, including the reduction of constipation and restoring a "normal" transit time. Interesting are the data obtained in a 2009 study on the efficacy of Lactobacillus GG in the outpatient management approaches with natural disturbances related to formar diarea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome and bloating.

A probiotic microorganism can you say if it meets the following requirements: is safe for use in humans: a useful reference in this sense can be a list of bacterial species presumptively classified as safe by EFSA (QPS). In any case, the probiotic micro-organisms should not be carriers of antibiotic-resistance acquired and / or transmissible. It should be active and vital in the intestine in sufficient quantity to justify the possible beneficial effects observed in studies of effectiveness. Be able to persist and multiply in human gut. Be able to confer a physiological benefit demonstrated according to the criteria reported in FAO or WHO documents on evaluation of pro-biotics for food use.

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