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What Is Hashimoto's?

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By Dr. Kevin

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis is the inflammation of the thyroid gland. However, that doesn't tell you much, does it? If you're like me, you want to know why it became inflamed and what you can do about it.

To begin with, you would like to know why this particular gland comes to be inflamed. There are two scenarios for this; your body could be attacking it, or it could be getting overworked.

In a situation where it is being overworked thereby leading to this condition, there will be two scenarios that are likely.

A) The body has a conversion problem, i. E, it is not converting T4 hormones released by the thyroid in to T3 hormones which are more active.

B. Your body is becoming inefficient at using glucose (sugar) and fat as an energy source and using thyroid hormone as a substitute.

A scenario such as in the first instance is brought about problems in the conversion mechanism. T3 the active hormone is not present as your body cannot convert T4 in to T3. T3 is what is used by a body to operate.

Where T3 is not enough, a message is sent to the brain asking it to release more T4. Increased production of T4 will lead to a point where thyroid glands get worn-out as they are not able to produce any more T4.

This is the process that can lead to swelling.

In the second instance, for thyroiditis to occur, this body will have become inefficient at utilizing fat and glucose as sources of energy.

Immediately this happens, the body has to source for alternative energy sources such as T3. Thyroid glands can only give a certain amount before they become overworked.

Thyroiditis is however commonly caused by Hashimotos.

It has been defined as a disorder in the autoimmune system. A disorder in the autoimmune system causes a body to start attacking itself. To be more precise, it will be attacking the thyroid.

It is this attack that will lead to swelling. Regrettably, no easy answer can be provided on why this happens. There is however something that can be done about it.

If you visit a clinic, the doctor will prescribe some pills after running a number of tests. This cannot be termed as complete treatment. You must begin to understand the condition facing you and what alternatives, especially natural ones are available.

Diet plays a big role in helping you convert T4 to T3 and calming down your immune system if you have Hashimoto's. Of course, supplements will also help your problem, but I suggest that you start with your diet.

Always keep in mind that Hashimotos is a problem with the auto immune system. Common recommended ways to support this system is to provide it with all the required nutrients. Removal of offenders will also help in reducing this condition.

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