The 3 Week Diet

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The Important Muscle Building Role Played By Your Diet

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By Arnold Sylvester

Learning how to build muscle requires work both in the gym and in the kitchen. Sadly, most people do not realize the importance of the latter and wave goodbye to potentially great gains as a result. Make no mistake about it, learning how to structure your diet is just as important as learning how to deadlift or bench press...

The worst mistake you can make in your quest to pack on lean size is to restrict your ambitions to the gym alone.

Yet this is a mistake which many men make on a daily basis. They'll workout with dedication and then eat whatever they want. Six months later, they're often left wondering why they can't see any results. Any good workout program should be supplemented by a solid eating plan, too.

The fact is your diet represents the toughest challenge to your fitness goals. After a while, even the most gruelling of training programs becomes fun. It becomes a challenge you'll enjoy. The diet part, however, remains a constant test to most people.

If you are one of the individuals who totally neglects their diet altogether and then hopes to trick their body into giving huge results, you need to change your mentality before you will be able to get any significant results. However, if you are one of the many individuals who actually wants to know how to do this the right way, but can't seem to get started with it, then you're in luck.

When in doubt, trust science. The latest research on hypertrophy shows a proven three step formula for setting out a food plan to build size and strength. It is:

1. 1.5 grams of protein per lb of your current body weight.

2. Consume around 2g carbohydrates per pound of body weight

3. Consume around 0.5g fat per pound of body weight.

But before you look at this like a set of rules, remember the most important factor here is that no diet fits everyone. This merely gives you a starting point, from which you can experiment by raising or lowering certain nutrients until you find an optimal intake to give your body results. I:8:T

You may be somewhat surprised to hear this, but the main nutrient which most people are lacking is protein. Sure, most guys purchase a whey protein supplement these days but the majority are doing it just because society tells them they need one. For many, this is the only protein they intake on a daily basis and it is simply not enough to build lean size.

If you are like most men, your daily fat intake could also do with a boost. Fat is an often misunderstood nutrient because it is unlucky enough to share the same name as your body's worst enemy. That's where the similarities end, though, in fact a good dietary fat intake has been scientifically shown to aid in lean muscle building as well as weight loss. You will find a lot of your healthy fat intake through your protein sources, like fish.

Now comes the interesting part. When you have your protein and fat intake set correctly, carbohydrates will determine what type of physique your body can achieve. Start with the recommended amount and note your results, before increasing the amount if you want to add more size or decreasing it if you feel you are adding body fat.
The importance of diet is just one of the five rules touched upon in the video guide on how to build muscle accompanying today's article.

If you want to learn how to build muscle via your diet, the three key factors we have explained today will put you in the right direction. Take some time to experiment with the formula above and find something that works for you, but take heart in the fact that you are already light years ahead of many others in the fitness community who are still making the old mistake of training hard but neglecting what they eat.

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