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Memphis Chiropractor Educates Public About Fibromyalgia Problems

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By Carla Bergoba

Perhaps you believe you may have fibromyalgia. This can be a very frustrating time of life and many have no idea what to do for all of the problems that accompany this condition. Your local Memphis chiropractor helps many fibromyalgia sufferers with proven and effective therapy.

There is no definitive test to determine if someone has fibromyalgia or not. However, there are common symptoms that most people suffer with. You might be tired and fatigued most of the time. It may be very hard to sleep at night. In addition, you could have pain in many parts of your body that do not respond well to most types of pain medications.

Fibromyalgia remains a mystery to many medical professionals as there are no known causes (idiopathic). Yet, many symptoms are common to this condition. Depression, weight gain, dizziness, and nausea are often felt. It is not unusual to experience irritable bowel symptoms as well as memory loss. Many women suffer with painful and difficult periods each month.

Certain autoimmune diseases may have a connection to fibromyalgia. A lot of people that have lupus or rheumatoid arthritis also report many symptoms common to fibromyalgia. This condition may be triggered by very stressful events in life, although its true origins remain mostly unknown.

Fibromyalgia is not understood by some medical doctors. As a result, one may not get the right kind of help as some doctors see fibromyalgia as psychosomatic. Chiropractors know that fibromyalgia is real and it takes real therapy to take care of it.

Proper therapy for fibromyalgia can include supplements with magnesium and omega 3 fatty acids. Some people may do well with acupuncture or gentle spinal adjustment sessions. The right exercise may be of benefit. Massage therapy sometimes works, as can other procedures like ultrasound. When you visit your local Memphis chiropractor you have someone who understands fibromyalgia and will help you find relief.

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