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Learning The Different Alternative Healing Modalities

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By Kate McMahon

The use of alternative healing modalities has been growing substantially among the population. This are methods that can be used in complement or instead of the medicine that people conventionally use. It is focused on the holistic nature of the body and its connections with the mind.

Acupuncture was originally practiced as part of the Chinese medicine which heals by just puncturing needles into the body on its energy meridian points. As a complete curing system, this has been set to help prevent illnesses as well as treat diseases. It is already established to be an effective alternate to medicine although scientists have not fully comprehend how it really works.

There is also what they call the Pranic Therapy in which the magnetic energy of the healer is the source of the cure. This type includes the technique of laying of hands as well as magnetic passes. There are still other techniques included in this type like the therapeutic massage fall under this modality.

Chiropractics is a care based on the assumption that the human frame has an innate capacity to heal by itself. It is believed that diseases arise due to some blockages in the cells to the organs. Through slightly adjusting the tissues and joints, there would be restoration of communication between the body and the brain.

Biofeedback is a method which helps by educating the body to do self regulation of its functions which rather automatically operate. A monitoring device will be connected to the human frame to give instant feedback about certain changes like the muscle tension, skin temperature and blood pressure. It is indicated for physical and mental disorders.

Aromatherapy is the method of using essential oils extracted from distilled herbs and other plants to for the relief of anxiety as well as stress. It is used to treat other emotional disorders and a wide range of ailments. The oils are either diluted and massaged in the skin while others are inhaled and included in baths.

Hypnotherapy is the method of guiding the patient into a state of relaxation which is more like a trance in order to increase awareness state. At this stage, both the patient and the therapist go into the exploration of suppressed memories which are believed to be the source unhealthy mental patterns. Chronic fear, stress and anxiety are treated by this method.

Cellular therapy is a technique of using processed tissues from animal embryos to cure human diseases and administered by injections. Tissues thus injected are transported automatically to the target organs which would then be regenerated or strengthened. Liver, kidney and brain are the usual target organs of this therapy.

Homeopathy had been developed in Germany and like those of the other alternative healing modalities, it works on the belief that the body has its self regulation and self curing functions which could be activated by mild interventions. By just administering an active ingredient into the illness source, the natural system of treatment will be activated. The remedies are usually taken as a pill or in liquid mixtures.

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