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Clinical Ovarian Cancer (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
In fact , the answer is shocking , it is only three percent - which could explain why we have one of the worst survival rates in Europe.
Three-quarters of women are only diagnosed when the cancer has spread , it is not surprising that 7000 new cases each year, only a third of women will live for five years.
The activists are determined to follow in the footsteps of the lobby of breast cancer and the profile of the disease, which mainly affects women more than 50 years, and they have determined is the March Awareness Month ovarian cancer .
" The ovarian cancer has been neglected for a long , long time - it is in the " too hard " was canned ," says Annwen Jones, Chief Executive of the charity Target Ovarian Cancer .
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Main sites of metastases for some common cancer types. Primary cancers are denoted by "...cancer" and their main metastasis sites are denoted by "...metastases". List of included entries and references is found on main image page in Commons: (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Ovarian Cancer
The main problem is , its symptoms : persistent bloating, abdominal or pelvic pain , urinary incontinence and / or bowel problems and difficulty eating .
Alone , each character could easily show another medical problem. In fact, 30 percent of patients are diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome .
It is only when symptoms sewn together , the diagnosis is easy .
For years, ovarian cancer is a silent killer , known activists really frustrated . "There are clear signs ," says Jones. " All you need to know. "
Most of us do not , which is perhaps why women wait months before going to their family doctor - if they go at all - and the delay passes Ovarian Cancer , compared to a lot of women find that their do not wait for symptoms seriously and took 32 per cent at least six months for a referral to the right specialist .
In the meantime, continues his cancer to grow and spread . said , feeling, even if one suspects ovarian cancer GP Road diagnosis is not always easy. there is no single test that unambiguously identifies the disease , only a blood test called CA125 , which measures a protein in the blood.
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English: An ovarian cancer as seen on CT (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
But in some parts of the United Kingdom GPS may not have access to CA125 or scans. Dr. Vicki Barber , a GP in Northamptonshire who have an interest in ovarian cancer , helped to overcome their trust , CA125 for their patients.
" And if I order an urgent analysis nothing until three or four weeks mean, it's not my definition of urgency . "
However, it is the fact that nearly 20 percent of family physicians now have an online training by the BMJ Learning and target produces symptoms of ovarian cancer seen encouraging contours podcast. "The message is slowly but surely from , but it is certainly a work in progress . "
Mr. Barber has developed an interest of his mother in 2008 , when the disease has been diagnosed spread. "She was only 25 per cent chance of surviving two years.
You will never be cured, but it is OK and much more than the initial forecast survived. the thing with ovarian cancer is that it grows in a strange way .
A small tumor in the ovary can spread rapidly through the lymphatic system to other areas , which is why it is so important to detect it early . "
What frustrates activists is that there is not a great advance in the treatment of more than 20 years . "The improvements were small, incremental steps ," says Khalil Razvi , consultant gynecological oncologist at the University Hospital of Southend , Essex.
He believes that the recent trend of more radical surgery to remove the tumor has helped patients . "There is a lot of research on new drugs now, but it will take several years before we see tangible benefits. "
One of the most rewarding discoveries is a tumor suppressor protein called OPCML it . Naturally in our body, but which is absent in ovarian cancer cells
Scientists at the Centre for Research- Action on ovarian cancer at Hammersmith Hospital in London , try to use this protein for use as a treatment and hopefully it will for human trials in the next few years .
The center is enrolled in clinical studies of a drug that women develop resistance to chemotherapy could stop - a big problem with ovarian cancer .
At the moment there is no way to screen for ovarian cancer , unlike breast cancer or colon - and this is the Holy Grail for the militants.
The United Kingdom is the largest screening study of 200,000 women in the world over 50 : A third was a CA125 test , where a third gave an analysis and a third had no screening.
The results will be published in 2015. " The initial data are promising , especially the pick -up rate for the first phase of cancer. Yet if the final results of a larger than we will not show for a few years know" survival , said Razvi .
Meanwhile, the most important task for every woman knows the symptoms , so there is a better way to diagnose earlier. " It is very important that people speak of getting ovarian cancer , because, as the campaign begins ," Jones says Annwen .
" Thirty years ago , nobody was talking about breast cancer, but it seems today. Similarly, no one talked about prostate cancer 20 years ago . I really feel that this is our time . "
Tracey Toop (right, with his daughter Ellise ) , a 43 year old assistant from Swindon , Pete is married and has three children aged 20, 17 and 14.
Tracey was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in March after months of symptoms. She said: " Looking back , I probably would not feel right for almost a year before I was diagnosed .
I was really sick to my stomach - a feeling of heaviness that came and went, I would one day, so maybe not for a few weeks .
I went to the GP surgery four or five times. She thought I was the irritable bowel syndrome at first, then they are a suspected urinary tract infection that I was antibiotics.
Then another time, they thought I had appendicitis. Maybe I should be more pain that I did was , but it was hard when I do not even have words to express what I felt .
A few months before I was diagnosed , I started to struggle with the meal at Christmas, I had a few bites of my meal before I was so full I thought I would feel sick.
I also had a really sharp pain in his right thigh , and I would stay there all the time rubbing . Then one day, my aunt visited me and said suddenly , " you have a cyst on the ovary. " It turned out she had a cyst with exactly the same symptoms.
I thought there was no way it could be cancer - I did not lose weight , my periods were regular and I thought you were wrong if you were very clear smear good. It was only later that I learned that not only detects cervical smear , cancer of the ovary.
It turned out that I had three stages of ovarian cancer - a step away from the terminal. I had three tumors , one the size of an orange, the other the size of a grapefruit and a third tumor develops from one of them .
Eight weeks later , I had a complete hysterectomy followed by five months of chemotherapy as the cancer had spread . Now I take a drug called Avastin , the cancer cells to hold off until the next chemo stifled . The treatment is going well - my last analysis showed no cancer outside of a few cells in the glands of the neck.
The doctors told me that I should live two years, but to be honest, I do not think - I can not believe it because I have to be there for my family . My daughter is only 14 Ellise
I do not like or feel sick, even if my leg hurts and I do not have as much energy as before. I can not flash the house at once , as I did - I have to clean it in stages - and I 'm not going to work .
I said to all the children and they agreed , even though I heard my daughter had to say to people: "Mom is doing well ," and I wonder if it's really sunk in. But the kids are very different adults - they seem to be able to turn off after hearing the bad news.
The other night , my daughter and I were watching a sad movie and she asked me : " Are you crying , Mom? " But I do not cry . When I started , I would not be able to stop .
I get my period, but down I look in the mirror, shaking my finger and say, " Stop feeling sorry for yourself - just smile, laugh and move on ."
Angela Davies , 52, was diagnosed with a rare form of ovarian cancer in 2007. A former beautician , who lives in South Wales, she has two older son of 15 and 27 , with her husband Glyn , step- son and six grandchildren.
She said: " With cancer , you can go to one of two routes : You can depressed and bitter , do you die , or you can refuse to give in. I chose the second way , I have never said . " Why me? " As one in three people will develop cancer and I just happen that you can be.
The doctors told me that I should live two years , but it was in 2008 and I did not take notice - I am determined to stay strong and positive. I joined the choir Sing for Life run by Tenovus cancer charity and this is my new goal. The old , leaving Angela is back - and not the shell of a person sitting at home waiting to die . I am also looking for an editor for a series of stories I wrote for my son , Josh , when he was younger .
Josh is now 15 years old and I am determined to see it grow . it would never have happened if I had pleaded for IVF , so I think its kind of force in the world and it would be unfair to leave it as it is still a child. He is so good in school. He took some GCSEs early and already has some A * s and As .
He dreams of becoming a pilot and began private lessons. I am determined to see him get his wings - I promised him that I was on the plane with him, and I do not want to break the promise.
I have a scan next week and they tell me if my cancer has stabilized or if I need more chemo . The doctors will try their best to give me another three years. I'm in a lot of pain and I feel quite dark most of the time .
When Josh comes to school I turn the morphine so I can try to hide it as much as possible, and I am often in bed 8:30 p.m. .
I had pains in my stomach and my back seized up - I spent a fortune on chiropractors and physiotherapists. I was also very high in the middle. The doctors said it was probably the result of IVF, and they all said how fat I was. I told them that I was not much room, but she thought I was lying.
For six years , I saw a gynecologist , I could have endometriosis and gave me injections of estrogen , which of course fed cancer. But I was not even offered a CA125 and ovarian cancer was never mentioned .
After the treatment, I was a size 32, and I knew something was wrong - the liquid flowed over me so I had to wear a diaper .
Finally , I was advised to have a hysterectomy and it was only after I learned that I had psammocarcinoma , a rare form of ovarian cancer that had spread to my system , and other areas.
It would just be too bitter , but I remain positive. And that if a woman goes to her doctor and asked to read a CA125 test, therefore , my life will not be in vain. "
Fiona Mactaggart MP , 59 thinks she owes her life to a mere £ 20 blood test. Fiona , Labour MP Slough, admits she is not really alive. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer a decade ago , only 36 percent of those living in the UK , five years after diagnosis , much less 10
She puts her survival with aggressive radical surgery in 2003, she had cancer once it has been discovered - and his family doctor , it was the CA125 test, but no classic symptoms of ovarian cancer .
Fiona noticed anything unusual until the end of 2002, they made a great power . "I could feel something strange in the skin of my belly ," she recalls . " I was not able to feel it before because of the weight I was carrying , so I went to the doctor. "
The song turned out to be fibroids, but also experienced Fiona Pelvic pain GP ordered a CA125 blood test carefully. This ovarian cancer indicated .
" Therefore, it was very effective," she recalls . "I had an ultrasound to see if his suspicions were correct, and a date for a possible hysterectomy. "
She was diagnosed with stage three cancer and had six cycles of chemotherapy after surgery . Fiona admit praise for their care, even though they are not a model patient. "I came to the hospital in a complete mess I had me so busy with work that I think about it , pushed - .. They were going to cut me open and I lose everything I had not, I had to face was an MP - . shouty and barking all on my phone , it was a hospital volunteer , took my hand and suddenly I stopped , a deputy and began a patient " ..
Fiona , now a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on ovarian cancer , believes that pilots Government symptoms - should raise awareness urgently deployed across the UK. " We need to educate GPs , so that more women can have a CA125 test - this is not an expensive test , and I know that this is not necessarily conclusive in terms of diagnosis, but it could mean cancer ovarian I was taken earlier shocked to discover how access to these tests in many general areas. absence. If my doctor had not been for me, I probably would not want to live this test. "
How to talk to your doctor about your symptoms
Many women diagnosed with ovarian cancer say they do not go to their doctor sooner, because they do not know how to describe their symptoms or they do not want to bother the doctor.
"It is good to tell your doctor if you are worried, but you can not describe their symptoms very well, because they did not have a sense of you before I do ," said Dr. Vicki Northamptonshire GP Barber (right) . " the important thing is not to sit on the symptoms for a few months , but to act quickly, especially if you have several of these symptoms on the list below. "
Mr. Barber beats your symptoms talk to a prior consultation , so do not forget to write . "It's also a good idea to keep a diary of symptoms within a few weeks - . , And what happens when that create a visual representation of what you feel is not so vague. "
Do not be afraid to bring a friend or relative to visit , either. "People in a friend or partner involved , said:" It has since doubled over in pain and she eats almost nothing " shot - and that makes sense ," says Dr. Barber " It can also be good . idea to bring someone because the average person can not remember 20 percent of what they are told by a doctor, so there is , if two of you , you will remember more . "
And above all , be honest with your doctor. " Do not be afraid to make things right ," says Barber "It's really useful if someone comes right out and says : . " Do you think I have ovarian cancer ? This is much easier than base on the subject, and leave at the end of the consultation , do you really think the bottom of what is bothering you use. If you saw a brochure or a similar product , take it and show your doctor. "
Ovarian Cancer - Symptoms symptoms of ovarian cancer are ...
Common - in general, they produce more than 12 times per month
Persistent - they do not disappear
New - they are not normal for you and may have begun last year.
These include the following :
Persistent pelvic or abdominal pain (ie your belly and down).
Increasing the size / persistent abdominal bloating - not bloating that comes and goes .
Difficulty eating and feeling full quickly.
( Need watering more often than usual or urgent happen) symptoms of urinary tract.
Sometimes there are other symptoms, including : changes in habits lll unexplained weight loss, fatigue, extreme intestinal If you regularly experience any of these symptoms that are not normal for you , it is important that you consult your doctor as soon as possible.
It is unlikely that your symptoms are caused by a serious problem, but it is important that they be verified . If it turns out that you have cancer , immediate treatment is of any importance .
What to do if you are worried
Be aware and take note in your diary when you get a symptom. Talk to your doctor about symptoms that are new to you and out of nowhere. Tell your doctor if two or more close relatives have had ovarian or family breast cancer .
Return to your doctor or seek a second opinion if your symptoms do not go away - even if you 've had tests. Other conditions, such as IBS have similar symptoms , such as ovarian cancer , so you cut out this page and bring it to explain what is going to help you .
What are the tests that you can do your regular doctor ?
If you should symptoms more than 12 times per month , you will make your family doctor , a blood test CA125 . Depending on the outcome , they can order analyzes of the stomach and ovaries. This internal analysis , but it is quick and easy.
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