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Home Remedies For Lice Treatment San Francisco

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By Lila Berger

Head lice or pediculosis is actually a very common condition that a lot of people suffer from. Now people who have this usually do not have good hygiene or are constantly in contact with people who do not practice good hygiene. The good news here is that there are certain natural methods that can be used for lice treatment San Francisco that work really well.

The bad news about this condition is that it is extremely contagious and can be passed on to another person just through direct contact. Of course if one wears clothes or something that has lice in it, then he will definitely get the condition as well. Eggs can also be a problem because these eggs or the nits can stick to the heads of the hosts and are hard to take out.

The diagnosis for this type of ailment is actually quite simple because the symptoms can actually be spotted quite easily. The first symptom would be really bad itching as well as red and swollen parts on the head. The next part would be some white spots that could be found somewhere in the scalp.

The first thing that one may do in order to take away these insects would be to use a metal comb to comb his hair. The thing about this method is that it will only work if the case is not so bad because it is quite hard to comb out all of these insects. So if the case is rather severe, then he may try some of these other methods.

Now a good natural remedy that would work for this type of condition would be to use vinegar because acidity kills these insects. The great thing about using vinegar would be the fact that while it destroys these crawlers, it does not damage the hair. This means that one may use as much as he wants in order to get rid of these pesky things.

Another natural remedy that one may be able to use would be coconut oil. The great thing about coconut oil is that it not only takes away the crawlies, but it also makes the hair healthier and thus prevents future occurrences of pediculosis. So it actually does a cure and prevention job to the scalp and the hair.

Now if one is worried that he will have a hard time taking these things out of the hair, then he may actually use cleansers as his shampoo. Although it is known to be a weak solution, can actually kill these bugs on the head. In fact, one may use it as an alternative to chemical shampoo if his hair is sensitive.

So if one is suffering from this type of condition, then he may actually make use of these natural lice treatment San Francisco methods. One may actually be able to cure this type of condition at home without breaking a sweat. Now one thing to take note of would be to make sure that the hair and the scalp are always clean otherwise the insects will just keep coming back.

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