The 3 Week Diet

Do you think that these are the best solutions ?

7 Foods To Stay Young

The best diet to stay young
Moisturizing product , tablet, we all écumons pharmacy shelves in search of the magic ingredient that will give us eternal youth. Yet the solution to counter the aging, as natural products , is not beyond our refrigerator. Everything you need to do is add these products to our diet .

Antioxidants are one of the key that leads to the fountain of youth , these elements are found in plant -based foods and they protect health because they reduce the degradation of body cells . But good and liquid dairy products also act in this direction. So what are the best choices ? Some of the best foods that help you stay young .
1 . blueberries
These small juicy berries are one originating from North America 's most consumed fruit. This dark blue fruit helps prevent cancer because it is packed with antioxidants called anthocyanins , a type of polyphenol. A cup of blueberries contains almost 25 % of the recommended amount of vitamin C and dietary fiber and manganese , which plays a crucial role in the metabolism and bone health. And besides, they have a very pleasant sweet taste .
2 . Greens
Think spinach, kale and broccoli. The deeper the color of the vegetable is dark , the better it is for health says Caryn J. Roll , RD Nutrition in Montreal . " The dark vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help to build and repair our cells. "

But the greens are not suited to everyone's taste and you need to be creative. Mix them with foods you like , stir in finely chopped broccoli florets in a cold pasta salad , or add cooked and cooled spinach to your next recipe hamburger. Test out the greens you 've never eaten to discover a new you like , such as crucifers.
3 . water
Looking for the fountain of youth? Look under your faucet. "Do not forget to drink water , repeat Mrs. Roll. The body consists of 70 % water and drink keeps us cool and hydrated. Dehydrated and tired skin a rough appearance. If you want a non-caloric solution to quench thirst , take a glass of water instead of coffee or a low-calorie soda and you will look younger. Skin hydrated , she continues , has a pure, fresh and youthful appearance. "
4 . plums
Prunes are known for their laxative properties and they have a reputation for the elderly to facilitate digestion. But they are also a great anti -aging food. Their skin is shriveled probably not as attractive as apricots or raisins, but they are full of potassium , fiber, phytochemicals, antioxidants , besides iron and vitamin A. If the mere mention of prunes makes you feel old , consider them as dried plums , the new name which gives them a youthful appearance .
5. Yogurt
Some European cultures believe that the yogurt helps to increase life expectancy , a belief supported by some research on the contribution of products based on fermented milk longevity. Yogurt is rich in protein and calcium good for bones, two elements that women in particular do not fit enough to their diet . Low in carbohydrates , it contains lactase , an enzyme that can help those who have lactose intolerance . Eat plain yogurt and unsweetened and add frozen unsalted nuts and fruit , top it all off with a hint of maple syrup or honey . You will get excellent energy snack.
6 . Frozen fruits and vegetables during the winter
When the cold weather sets in, you can count on fruits and frozen or canned to get your dose of antioxidants vegetables, explained Ms. Roll. " Instead of looking for a miracle product , go to the grocery store and stock up on fruits and vegetables varied , she adds . If you believe that frozen products are less healthy than fresh fruit and know that frozen or canned vegetables are packed with more nutrients than fresh produce that have traveled long distances. " Again , choose products dark- like blueberries , spinach and even frozen carrots color. Canned tomatoes with no added salt , as well as asparagus are a great choice during the winter season.
7 . Whole grains
Some new flavors gaining popularity as wolfberry juice or pomegranate but some anti-aging food groups remain essential and it is the case of whole grains. They contain a ton of anti-aging elements such as fiber, protein and iron. And again, they are the ideal alternative to refined carbohydrates. " Stay away from white foods containing simple carbohydrates like pasta , rice and bread, says Ms. Roll. " These are simple carbohydrates as sugars and too much sugar causes heart disease , obesity and poor general health, which helps you to age .

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