The 3 Week Diet

Do you think that these are the best solutions ?


For many of us , learning to develop healthy eating habits takes a little more discipline than it does for others. But making small changes at each meal , you can develop healthy eating habits in no time . Here are a few steps , the giant leaps for you and your family can lead the daily diet Healthy Eating .

watch this video to know How to Eat Healthier and LOSE WEIGHT
I wanted to come to you guys to give you healthier options especially if you want to switch to a vegetarian/vegan diet. There are a couple of documentaries that have changed my mind on how I eat.Cook more at home and use less stuff that come out of boxes and jars. Stay away from High Fructose Corn Syrup, Enriched Bleached Flour....the list goes on.

Healthy Eating Tip # 1
Start with you . , The " snack money " on Room Slowly and gradually more fruits and choice of healthy snacks around , rather than the type , the more calories of junk food . For example , three species of fruit (apples , oranges, grapes ) , some small bags of chips or candy replaced . Or just start replacing unhealthy snacks with alternative options such as granola bars, cereal bars or peanuts and yogurt.

Health Tip # 2
When shopping in the supermarket, spend more time in the outer aisles. This is where you will find more healthy foods such as fresh fruit, fish and vegetables, which are naturally low in fat and cholesterol and no sugar , salt and other preservatives, add books filled .

Health Tip # 3
Start reading the labels of the foods you eat. Foods labeled "low fat " or "light " are not always the best choice. Many times , if a product has less fat, it may be high in sodium, or when there is less sugar, it can be high in fat . Start reading the table " Nutrition Facts " on the back of the box, box or bag.

I admit, it is difficult to read a food label while you shop . A better way is to start with your favorite packaged foods and snacks at home. Soon you will start to notice the differences in the amounts of sodium , carbohydrates , sugar and calories per serving of different foods you have chosen . The next step is to start slowly , to seek adjustments in your options and alternatives with fewer calories , sodium and fat.

Do not get caught in calories

" Everyone zeros in calories ," says dietitian Claire LeBrun . "I find myself doing the same sometimes . You must look at the serving size and calories per serving" The witch hunt that gets a lot of consumers with facts nutritional charts is the number of calories per serving most consumers read the calorie count and assume that this is the number of calories for the entire package, rather than the number of calories per serving - . protection buyer.

Healthy Eating Tip # 4
Develop a healthy habit to select parts of reasonable size . If your plate has a portion of rice that do not fit in the palm hollow , and in most cases , the amount of food you choose too .
 This " cutting in" technique is a good way to mentally measure the amounts of foods that are on the plate. Some people use the size of their fist as a measure . Size of your fist or a hand in sectional shape is the same size of a measuring cup.

Healthy Eating Tip # 5
Train your palate and retraining your brain and keep a good selection of food. The natural sweetness of an orange or apple can not compete with the sweetness of a chocolate bar taste, but you need to retrain and relearn the quality of what is good for you. Start by choosing more fruits and vegetables as a snack or as a substitute for some of the fat you tend to eat on your meal tray or plate would add - to get used to you and your taste buds.

Healthy Eating Tip # 6
Discover the basic solutions for fattening foods . Learn to speak the second language of the food - the language of healthy eating :

Choose mustard mayo (of course mustard has fewer calories / fat).
Choose brown rice , whole wheat, rye or oats on white bread ( brown food has not added any extra fat in order to change their color).
Choose white meat turkey or chicken on red meat , red meat or pork ( most of our fat intake from animal fat , white meat contains less fat ) Healthy Eating   .
Choose baked or grilled fried , battered or breaded .
Drink water more juice and soft drinks. Some juices contain as many calories as carbohydrates and a small bag of chips. Try to slowly wean tea containing caffeine or lemonade with water - two glasses of water or cups of tea each can of Coke . (Also , do not drink your calories - . Juice Those 100 calories could be two pieces of fruit or a granola bar , a feeling for you and fill your stomach )
Choose low-calorie sauces and request sauces and dressings served on the side . (Generally more sauce than needed is paid. Dip your fork into the sauce Healthy Eating , then dip the fork in the food chain. This will give you a taste of each mouthful, but without the extra , unnecessary fat . )
Choose skim milk and cheese with milk instead of whole milk (again , most of our fat intake from animal fats ) have been prepared .
Choose vegetables accompanying fries and chips. Vegetables steamed vegetables are the best cream (vegetables are naturally lower in fat ) .
Select to pack fruits and nuts are valid for the next meal , rather than going to fast food or snacks from the vending machine . Fruit snacks will help you get the next meal you eat more to make, and often without any additional fat) . Fruits like bananas and oranges are comfortable and have their own protective packaging.
Healthy Eating Tip # 7
The more color on your plate, the better. Not only does this keep the interesting and exciting things for you and your taste buds , but it is healthier . Nutrients that different colors in our fruits and vegetables , you declare create different nutrients for your body. Feeding your body as much variety as possible , the fight against the common cold , cancer and other diseases that are preventable by use of diversity in your diet. Try new fruits - combinations of vegetables and dinner will keep your family busy .

Healthy Eating Tip # 8
Do not skip meals ( especially breakfast ) . Skipping meals or starving your body will lead to enter a starvation mode - it starts to cling to burn fat instead . In fact, you may be nibbling a little more, just to make healthy snacks. Your metabolism will actually start to grow and more than what you give to burn - especially with a daily exercise program that accompanies it.Healthy Eating

Health Tip # 9
Do not eat more than two and a half to three hours before bedtime . Give your body a chance to digest and burn the fuel on the last day . Many weight loss success admit this good habit as a key part of their weight loss journey .

Healthy Eating Tip # 10
Keep everything in perspective . Know that you are making a lifestyle change , not a diet - do not put food in prison. According to dietitian Claire LeBrun Healthy Eating  , it is a question of balance and listen. Ask yourself:
 " How did your day go balanced What is the snack for you to do ? " We all have different schedules and we need to understand what we personally the type of foods you choose are just that -Healthy Eating
  . . Choices Your goal is to keep as making appropriate food choices , most of the time .
 when a doctor tells you that you have to make a change in lifestyle, you 're making a choice. Learning to eat healthy is not going to happen overnight , but it can happen , and you can do it! A meal at a time.

Robert Alan Anderson is an AFAA certified personal trainer and martial arts instructor working out of the Washington DC area . Claire LeBrun , MPH , RD, LD is a registered dietitian specializing in weight management operates the Washington DC area .

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