The 3 Week Diet

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Simple Tips for maintaining low carb diet

Losing Weight
It is not a secret that many low-carb diets are very dangerous and can seriously damage your health. But the good low-carb diet can actually be very beneficial. So if you are interested in low-carb diet , but is not the right thing to stick our advice to lose weight and get some tips to help you in the right low carb diet .

Simple tips for maintaining a low carb diet

Do not go overboard
Sitting on a low carb diet is not completely stay away from meat and fat . Cut too many carbs in a short time , you will feel exhausted after all the time, tired and run with a bad mood . To begin with, you really need to limit refined sugars , added sugars say agave , honey and maple syrup and "no" to cereals and potatoes. When it comes to fruit, it is advisable to eat berries, green apples and grapefruit , as they do not compromise the levels of blood sugar .

eat protein
Protein is necessary, especially if you are on a low carb diet your blood blood sugar stabilized , regulates metabolism and prevents bad mood. To eat the amount of wild fish needed proteins, organic yogurt without sugar, organic or local eggs , egg white will win. Of course, there is a solution if you are a vegetarian too! Use of vegan protein powder , quinoa, tofu, beans and legumes limit what you eat.

Eat plenty of vegetables
Eat tons of vegetables like broccoli , spinach , celery , lettuce, artichokes, green beans, green leafy vegetables , asparagus, red peppers, onions , garlic, cucumbers , zucchini, since they are rich in vitamins and low in carbohydrates , which means you secure energy and nutrition needed while avoiding carbohydrates.

Include healthy fats
With 1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon of fat with each meal , which is a normal amount . You can go for chia seeds , flax seeds, hemp seeds , almonds , avocado , coconut oil , coconut oil , not all of these products increase cholesterol and keep you full for a long time.

Make sure you have at least 20 grams of protein per meal and include plenty of vegetables. Do not forget to mention the permissible content of fat. It is an ideal feeding program.

Simple tips for maintaining a low carb diet

Herbal Hug
Another good tip for the low carb diet is the following : Drink herbal teas like green tea flavored fruit , peppermint tea , chamomile tea , when you're hungry , how they make you feel full without adding calories . In addition, they help to increase the amount of water on the body, which is very necessary.

A pack of pork from Tesco is labelled with a s...
A pack of pork from Tesco is labelled with a sticker that says "No Carbs per serving". This is aimed at people on a low-carbohydrate diet

Avoid packaged foods low in carbohydrates
This kind of products may appear at first sight , but we do not recommend for one of them to decide how MSG - fats and oils from GM soya , cheap sodium protein hormone , and - protein charge you n ' will not want more of them . So if you really want a snack eat vegetables, almonds, walnuts or unsweetened Greek yogurt because it does not have the potential to harm your health.

Be picky seasoning
Salad dressings, mayonnaise , ketchup are very limited because they may contain sugar . With mustard or vinegar and if you want to use a dressing as follows : a mixture of cider vinegar with mustard and a little black pepper and that's it , simple and healthy. You can also stick with the simplest thing : just squeeze the lemon on your salad and enjoy the taste !

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